Corrain de Fortemps (Gealai)
Quick Facts

Character Notes- ARR starting age: 16
- Dawntrail age: 24
- Primary Jobs: White Mage/Ninja (ARR/HW) > Dark Knight (HW/EW) > Arcanist/White Mage (DT)
- Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
- Gender: Trans man, he/him
- Sexuality: Gay, polyamorous
- Ancient/Unsundered Name: Helios (Azem)
- Major Features: Cane/Wheelchair user after Endwalker, long scar down his chest (Rhalgr's Reach) and across the small of his back (Ultima Thule), dark tattoos at the corners of both eyes
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Universe NotesMain Verse Title: 'your boldness stands alone among the wreck'
- Co-WoLs with Lelesu Lesu (a friend's WoL)
- Platonic soulmates with Lelesu
- Canon Divergent - Emet-selch Lives AU
- Corrain's ancient self - Helios - was Azem
- Dynamis use causes Unsundered memory recall (post EW)AU iterations:
Ascian Azem AU - 'in the shadow of the sun'
- Lelesu's ancient - Seleukos - is Azem and survives the Sundering
- Azem is tempered by Zodiark
- Helios is slain during the Final Days and reincarnates as Corrain
- Corrain proceeds to find and adopt AzemSolo-WoL universe - 'Soulshards'
- Canon Divergent - Hythlodaeus and Hades stay alive on Ultima Thule
- Dawntrail happens 4 years later, not 2 - DT starting age is 26
Lore - Main Verse

Abandoned on the doorstep of an overcrowded Gridanian orphanage as a newborn, Corrain had a difficult and lonely upbringing, plagued by the Gridanian prejudice towards Keepers of the Moon. He primarily raised himself, with minimal oversight from overworked (and also prejudiced) caretakers, changing his name and gender presentation early in life and attempting somewhat fruitlessly to eke out a place for himself. The Echo awakens in him when he is eleven, when Dalamud falls from the sky - shortly after, he begins to teach himself basic letters and numbers, and by the time he is barely fifteen, he has apprenticed himself at the Conjurers' Guild in the hope of securing Gridanian citizenship before reaching adulthood.It is here, as an apprentice conjurer only just barely literate, that he finally meets with Lelesu Lesu, his best friend and soul-sister, and is afterwards found by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.Following the events of Endwalker, Corrain is a partial paraplegic and transitions from wielding the greatsword of a dark knight to the grimoire of an Arcanist. He primarily fights with arcanima directly, in styles far closer to the creation magicks of eld than summoning.
Generally, Corrain is an energetic, mischievous sort of person - the sort who commonly plays pranks and makes teasing remarks on a regular basis. He's loyal to friends and family and does his utmost to exercise compassion and empathy when he can, and genuinely and truly cares for the star and all its myriad innocent peoples. And much to Lelesu and the Scions' chagrin, he is also an adrenaline junkie, one who enjoys the thrill of a good fight or death-defying stunt, and is not easily dissuaded away from the frontlines.However, kindness and high-energy aside, Corrain is a deeply flawed person, with a nasty temper that often rears its ugly head during interpersonal spats. He possesses a deep-seated desire to be wanted for who he is as a person due to his abandonment at birth, and yet cannot divest his utility as Warrior of Light from his genuine relationships with his family and friends gained in the Scions; a paradox which stifles his ability to deepen his connections with others. And the death of his adoptive brother, Haurchefant, leaves him with a festering anger that he uses to lash out at the world around him and which further reinforces his low self-worth; as a white mage who could not heal a fatal wound, he diverts all his energy into fighting, fully embracing the role of "Weapon of Light" until his conflict with Zenos in Stormblood shows him the end result of this path.

Family and Relationships
Lelesu Lesu - She's not related by blood, nor is she in any way a romantic partner, but she is nevertheless the most important person in Corrain's life. She is more sister and soul-twin and best friend and platonic partner than anyone else could ever hope to be, never mind that she regularly zaps him with lightning for his pranks. There's no way for this relationship to truly be encapsulated in a single word - she's his other half, and their souls have been bound together since before the Sundering.Family
- Edmont de Fortemps - Adoptive father. Edmont chooses to adopt a seventeen-year-old Corrain after the events of the Bloody Banquet in Ul'dah, on Haurchefant's recommendation. Initially, it is done only to protect him, both from outside influence and from the reach of the Halonic Orthodox Church - but it becomes a true parent-child relationship, and Edmont is one of the few people who Corrain will listen to when upset
- Artoirel and Emmanelain de Fortemps - beloved elder brothers. They had a bit of a rocky start, but now Emmanelain is remarkably skilled with giving empathetic life advice, and Artoirel a steady presence for Corrain to vent to, when he needs it.
- Haurchefant Greystone - one of two people to see the kitten within the man from the very beginning. A brother Corrain mourns deeply, and later tries his utmost to make proud.- Hythlodaeus - A platonic partner of Lelesu's and Hades's, part of the family unit they form after the Final Days are averted in truth. By extension, he is Corrain's platonic partner as well - though he would have been so in any case, by simple virtue of their shared love of mischief and love for Lelesu and Hades.
- Aymeric de Borel - Lelesu's partner and part of the family unit they form after the Final Days are averted in truth. By extension, he is Corrain's platonic partner as well - though he is less a direct partner and more of a good friend.Partners (Romantic)
- G'raha Tia - At first only a crush, Corrain is re-snared by the Crystal Exarch's gentleness towards him on the First, and his acknowledgement of the cost that being a Warrior (or Weapon) of Light exacts upon the bearer of the title. G'raha is a steadying presence, and a calm voice of reason when Corrain's temper gets the better of him.
- Emet-selch/Hades - The rekindling of a love lost to the Sundering. Hades was Helios's (Azem's) partner before the wrath of the Final Days and that horrific temper Corrain inherited split them apart, and now they bring each other comfort in the aftermath of Meteion's last, hopeful song. They frequently butt heads, both stubborn in the same manner - G'raha tends to mediate - but they challenge each other as well.
Fun Facts - Azem/Helios- Helios (Corrain's Azem) suffered from a chronic thinness of the soul which left him frequently ill and entirely unable to use creation magics. However, his strong natural alignment to Light allowed him to develop the original White Magic - a predisposition which was passed down to all of his Sundered incarnations, Corrain included.- The precursor to the summoning method used to create primals was created as a disability aid for Helios, to supply him with the aether needed to use creation magic.- Helios's summoning spell works by temporarily subverting the laws of reality with dynamis - much like how the Ragnarok exists both in Ultima Thule and Sharlayan at once after Meteion's defeat, so too do those he summons briefly exist in two places at once!- Helios is the one directly responsible for the Sundering, but his plan was altered by Venat without his knowing. Helios, capable of using dynamis by virtue of the frailty of his thin soul, uses his own desperation to Sunder himself, forming the fracture in reality he intends for Hydaelyn to strike. Then, with humanity given the ability to interact with dynamis, his intent was for Hydaelyn to help them devise a way to permanently stop the Final Days, that Zodiark and the souls who gave themselves to him might return to the star - and then return to the star herself, that the influence of her Light may disappear and allow the shattered world to grow naturally back together. This was not the plan she enacted however, and chose instead to allow her knowledge of the future to take precedence.- Given that Helios alone was Sundered using dynamis, it is Corrain's use of dynamis on Ultima Thule that finally forces him to remember all of Helios's life. He feels quite complicated about the whole thing.
RP Rules
Mun Rules/Policies
- YKINMKATO and DL;DR only
- Only interacts with 18+ regardless of RP 'rating'
- NSFW scenarios restricted to close friends and are by discussion only
- Innuendo and suggestive flirting is fine
- Light RP/Longform RP both fine~
- Strongly ancients-positive, does not want to engage with contrary viewpoints
Verse Rules/Policies
- References Corrain's 'Main Verse' by default
- Willing to discuss specific AUs
- multi-WoL settings okay (light party time)
- Defaults to early Dawntrail timeframe, please specify timeframe otherwise
- Defaults to "ancients-alive" setting where Elidibus, Lahabrea, Emet-selch and Hythlodaeus are alive after EW/Pandae, please specify otherwise